I asked a patient of mine, an avid snowboarder, about his ACLR experience and getting back on the hill.
As a physiotherapist, here's my framework of rehab phases to help patients recovery from injury and reduce the risk of re-injury.
From going through my own ACLR rehab, here are 3 tips to stay on track during the ACLR recovery journey.
Knee stiffness is generally normal after surgery. Learn exercises to do for your knee stiffness after ACLR surgery.
I share how it feels being 18 months post-op ACLR and meniscectomy. I'm back at outdoor soccer recreationally, and share some rehab insights.
An introduction to power based exercises for knee rehab and tips on how to modify your current exercises into explosive exercises.
Here are some tips from a physiotherapist on getting knee extension back after ACLR surgery and busting some myths from the past: Are knee extensions safe after ACLR surgery? YES.
I was able to return to sport post-op ACLR and meniscectomy including snowboarding, indoor soccer and outdoor training.
Be prepared to put in the work for ACLR rehab from months 3-9. I outline what I was able to do and some tips for your rehab.
I share my experience of the first few weeks after ACLR surgery with a bone-patellar-bone autograft and meniscectomy.