
Virtual physiotherapy is available to those who reside in Alberta, Canada. I am a registered physiotherapist in Alberta. If you reside outside of Alberta, you must check if your insurance company will cover physiotherapy in Alberta.


Individuals within Alberta who are able to claim their appointment through their private insurance. 45 mins with programming is $180CAD, and 30 mins without programming is $100CAD.

This session may include an individualized program, if you are a candidate for this, and will encompass progressive overload training, and prevention strategies to reduce risk of injury.


  • One-on-one virtual session through Google Meet
  • Discussion of your current injury, training and goals
  • Q&A opportunity to ask any questions related to your injury
  • Diagnosis will be given, if I am unable to provide this through a virtual session, I will refer you to an in-person physio or necessary physician for follow up
  • A treatment plan including a personal rehabilitation program that is tailored to your goals, your availability and access to equipment
  • You can choose between a longer session that includes programming or a shorter session that discusses modifications or training changes you can implement yourself
  • Periodic check in’s to ensure your rehab is progressing
  • Any testing measures required will be analyzed and explained to you in your virtual session
  • Follow up appointments are recommended at least 1x/month to review your program and progress


This option allows me to work with individuals who reside outside of Alberta. I provide virtual coaching sessions to address your current concerns. This service is not covered under physiotherapy for individuals outside of Alberta.


If you reside outside of Alberta and are looking for expertise and advice for your programming and training. 45 mins with programming is $180CAD, and 30 mins without programming is $100CAD.

This coaching option is for someone with a training history, able to follow a rehab program unsupervised, and looking for a progressive training program to build back up to your previous capacity and goals.


  • One-on-one virtual coaching session through Google Meet
  • Discussion of your previous training history and current training, limitations and goals
  • Q&A opportunity to ask any questions related to your issue
  • You can choose between a longer session that includes programming or a shorter session that discusses modifications or training changes you can implement yourself
  • You can use a shorter session to ask questions about your specific case
  • Periodic check in’s to ensure your rehab is progressing
  • Any testing measures required will be analyzed and explained to you in your virtual session
  • It is recommended to have a monthly virtual session as accountability and a check-in to ensure the program progresses towards your goals
  • 30 – 45 minute One-on-One Session including programming: $180CAD
  • 20 – 30 minute One-on-One Session without programming: $100CAD

    Payment will be requested prior to the appointment through Stripe. Please contact Hannah at [email protected] with any questions regarding pricing.

    For Alberta residents, you may be able to claim your virtual physiotherapy session through your private insurance. This depends on your insurance policy, I cannot guarantee the ability to make a claim, please check with your insurance provider. On payment, you will receive a receipt which you will submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.

    For non-Alberta residents, this cost must be fully covered out-of-pocket.
example of daily programming
example of weekly rehab program
example of running checklist and movement patterns to monitor progress
example of screenshot of a monthly check-in

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