Virtual Consultations

I offer one-to-one consultations virtually. I am a registered physiotherapist in Alberta, meaning this service can be covered through insurance policies to individuals who reside in Alberta, Canada.

Hannah facing away from the camera typing on her computer
  • One-on-one virtual session through Google Meet
  • Discussion of your current injury, training and goals
  • Q&A opportunity to ask any questions related to your injury
  • A treatment plan including a personal rehabilitation program that is tailored to your goals, your availability and access to equipment
  • You can choose between a longer session that includes programming or a shorter session that discusses modifications or training changes you can implement yourself
  • Periodic check ins to ensure your rehab is progressing
  • Any testing measures required will be analyzed and explained to you in your virtual session
  • Follow up appointments are recommended at least 1x/month to review your program and progress
  • 30 – 45 minute One-on-One Session including programming: $180CAD
  • 20 – 30 minute One-on-One Session without programming: $100CAD

    Payment will be requested prior to the appointment through Stripe. Please contact Hannah at [email protected] with any questions regarding pricing.

    For Alberta residents, you may be able to claim your virtual physiotherapy session through your private insurance. This depends on your insurance policy, I cannot guarantee the ability to make a claim, please check with your insurance provider. On payment, you will receive a receipt which you will submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.

    For non-Alberta residents, this cost must be fully covered out-of-pocket.

I will help you with:

  • Guidance for weekly planning to fit rehab into your week and around other activities
  • Develop non-negotiables or daily movements that take priority
  • Includes a mobility routine to work on your area of pain and the adjacent joints

This program is individualized to you. Progressive rehab and exercise will work on your main pain area, while developing strength and capacities to return to your sport. I will provide you with:

  • A program tailored to your needs and goals
  • 1 or 2 day workouts
  • Video demonstrations for each exercise

Depending on your injury and goals, we will track your progress using videos, questionnaires, capacity testing, range of motion, strength and jump testing.

Exercise rehab progressions are criterion-based so we are looking for your ability to complete certain tasks and functions before moving forwards.

I will periodically send you checkins so that we can discuss your progress with the program – what works, what doesn’t work?

I’ve helped many athletes and patients through virtual rehab programming:

1. Listen
In our one-on-one session, I’d like to understand your perspective, including your injury, pain, experience, and how you reached this point.

2. Movement
Using movement assessments, we identify factors affecting your pain and establish short-term adjustments and long-term goals. We gather baseline data, including strength and range of motion, through tools like Humetric, questionnaires, or goal-specific outcomes.

3. Plan
To target your injury and goals, we need to make a plan to get you there. We will determine the type of programming or rehab needed, as well as, any activity modifications or lifestyle changes needed to support this plan.

4. Execute
After your session, you’ll receive personalized exercises to help you progress. We’ll work together to determine our next steps and the path to your goals. With outcome measures and a clear plan, you’ll have a roadmap for your rehab, and I’ll be here to provide guidance and support.

  • one-to-one physiotherapy treatment
  • individualized programming and exercise rehab for your needs
  • goal setting and mindset shift to maintain mental health during rehab
  • collaboration to find the best way that your injury rehab can fit into your life and goals
  • Nerves, joints, ligaments and muscles – this basically encompasses most sports and general day-to-day injuries 
  • Special interest in lower limb injuries – I have had surgery on one ankle and fractured the other, as well as, going through ACLR surgery
  • Exercise prescription and programming for most lower limb injuries – such as ankle sprains, foot injuries, knee pain and ligament sprains or tears, hip pain and post-operative surgeries 

There are specialized physiotherapists trained in injuries like dizziness, concussions, pelvic health, and neurological conditions – these are notmy areas of expertise, however I can help refer you to the right practitioner.