an iphone on a wooden table showing the app screen

6 free apps that will help you as a physiotherapist in clinic.

These are the 6 apps I use everyday in clinic, they are FREE and can help your clinical practice.

These are the 6 apps I use most in my physiotherapy practice:

  1. Humetric
  2. Switched On Training App
  3. My Jump App 2
  4. Pro Metronome
  5. Interval Timer
  6. Measure App

In a busy practice, taking on new technology and apps can feel harder than helpful, but trust me that is only the first few days! Once you’ve tried the apps and can see where in your practice you will use them, it becomes smooth and easy. Patients are usually impressed by the objective data, you can do certain assessment quicker, and treatment guidance can be even more individualized.

I carry my phone around with me constantly as I’m treating – I use so many different apps depending on the treatment session, I like to have it handy!

Humetric app for assessment of shoulder range of motion for physiotherapists


Use this app for assessment, pre- and post-treatment to see changes, and monitoring range of motion over time.
  • This app is for measuring shoulder range of motion
  • I can add in patients to track their progress quickly, and get an easy reading without needing a goniometer for really common shoulder movements 
  • On the hub, I can see the patient’s progress in a graph form which is nice to be able to show the patients 
  • It’s free to use and there is a paid version if you want extra features
switched on training for change of direction and unplanned reactive training

Switched On Training

Use this app for late stage rehab patients. I specifically use this for lower limb rehab like ACLR and ankle sprains. It adds the extra component of late stage anticipation and reaction before returning to sport.
  • I use this for change of direction drills and unplanned drills 
  • Once a patient is at a certain rehab level, I want them to have to react to a stimulus
  • You can use the paid version and get all of their drills, but I use the free version and create my own drills that are fairly simple
  • Free!
My Jump 2 app for vertical and horizontal jump testing for ACLR rehab

My Jump App 2

Use this app for assessment and re-assessment. I use it for all ACLR athletes, specifically for single leg vertical hop and drop jumps, as well as ankle rehab patients.
  • Without force plates, this is the only app that has been validated for jump measures 
  • I get jump height, force, RSI and can compare side to side with all my vertical jump testing 
  • It is a one off payment, but it wasn’t very expensive
  • There is no option to try it for free so I just had to trust that it was going to do what it said it would
  • It is a bit tedious and there definitely might be some human error involved when measuring, but it is the best thing I have currently for vertical jump measures without having force plates
  • Sorry this one isn’t free! One off payment for this version of the app, or subscription based for the full app
metronome app for timing tempo based exercises

Pro Metronome

Use this for treatment and exercise programming. I always use metronomes for my tendon patients, espeically Achilles tendinopathy.
  • Super useful for an external cue if you are trying to help a patient with a certain exercise
  • I use it for my capacity testing when I am checking muscle capacity – I set it to 60bpm for all capacity testing 
  • During tendon rehab I up the pace to 150-170bpm and during late stage stair running, up to 190bpm 
  • Also handy for patients who you give tempo work to and don’t want them having to count or cheat!
  • It’s free!
interval training app for planning exercise based rehab

Interval Timer

Use this app for treatment planning, especially setting running drills for lower limb rehab.
  • Handy tool to create any and all kinds of intervals
  • I usually show patients how I want them to use it, for example running drills where I want them doing something for 30s on, then 20s off – rather than them having to constantly check the clock, this will give them a buzzer alarm and you can rest immediately 
  • Also free!
measure app for range of motion

Measure App

Use this app instead of using a measuring tape!
  • This app comes with the utilities as part of your iPhone 
  • I use it for my horizontal jump tests and upper body measures for when you are looking to compare distance side to side, I find it much faster than having to get out the tape measure! 
  • Free to use!

If you’re a physiotherapist looking for more exercise ideas, or want to see me use these apps, follow me on Instagram! That’s where I’m most active sharing video content!

Send me a message and let me know which apps you find most useful for your physio practice.

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