How to feel better on the bike

If you get sore knees, neck or back with cycling - check out this blog from Bike Fit Physio, Adrian!

Adrian, Bike Fit Physiotherapist, gives us top tips to feel better on the bike. (And no, it doesn’t have to involve a skin tight suit or super aero helmet).

Any discomfort on the bike could be a sign of an improper set-up. These issues could be addressed by a Physio Bike Fit assessment and a personalized treatment plan. Some common issues are:

  • saddle soreness
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • hand numbness
adrian doing a bike fit measurement in a physio assessment

Limited flexibility could influence the set-up. For example, a reduced range of motion in hip flexion may require shorter crank lengths, and a lack of spinal flexibility may warrant a less aggressive handlebar position.

  1. Make sure the saddle and handlebars are level and not tilted upwards or downwards.
  2. Make sure the seat height is appropriate

A highlight in Physio Bike Fit is respecting body mechanics in addition to a great fit. Once we establish an optimal set-up on the bike, we must pay attention to the cyclist’s ability to control their spinal movements and shoulder/arm stability.

The two most common injuries we see are knee injuries and neck soreness. We have had the most success treating these injuries with a combination of Physio Bike Fit, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises.

Firstly, we discuss injury history, symptoms, riding style and goals.

Secondly, we take the client through a mobility and strength screening to identify deficits.

Thirdly, we use 2D video motion capture to analyse the bike and cycling technique of the cyclist.

Lastly, we provide recommendations to the cyclist and make necessary adjustments to the bike. We also design therapeutic exercise programs and offer other treatments.

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