Accessory Workouts


If you feel like you have been slacking on mobility or accessory work, have a look at this program!

Adding the smaller movements to your training routine may help reduce the risk of injury and improve longevity in your activity. 

This is an Injury Prevention Program. This program is only available through the Ripple app.

The program is only available on Ripple – free to download.

The program is a $10CAD subscription cost per month. You will have access to all injury prevention programs with this subscription. Follow at your own pace. Cancel at anytime.

This program gives you the missing pieces to your training. The goal of this program is to introduce bodyweight & mobility based workouts to supplement your current training program. These circuits can be added onto a running program, a lifting program, or your general training routine. 

There is 1 workout each week for 5 weeks. Each workout has 2 circuits. Complete As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) for 15mins of each circuit. There is a demonstration video of each circuit labeled ‘Workout Video’ at the top of each page. 

You will need resistance bands, and if you have free weights, you will have an opportunity to use them if you feel you need to increase the difficulty of the exercises.


This program may not be the best fit for you as it is a generic program and not tailored to you or a specific activity. Please take this into consideration when starting this program.
If you are unsure about starting a new exercise program or have health conditions that will impact your exercise, please consult your doctor or preferred health professional before starting this program.
Different people require different movements. If something doesn’t feel right, stop the exercise and evaluate. If you experience pain, then remove the exercise from the workout until you can see a physiotherapist to discuss this with you. If you experience discomfort or tightness, modify the exercise and monitor if you are able to improve these feelings over the course of the program. Consult with a health professional if you have any concerns.